Sunday, November 30, 2008

Not So Premature Anymore

Last week Gavin and Aiden hit the 6 month old mark. It is hard to believe that they have been part of our lives for half of a year already. Wow!

Gavin and Aiden have been up to some new tricks since I last posted. They are both big into drooling. So much so that their bibs have become a permanent fashion accessory. Aiden has mastered the back to front roll...although he is quite covert about it. When I leave the room to go make bottles he is lying on his back, but when I return he is magically on his tummy. Sometimes Gavin is conveinently close by and other times he is no where close. We are not expecting Gavin to roll from his back to tummy anytime soon. He has a bit of a larger base than Aiden...I'll address his size later. Both boys have become quite the little gigglers. Aiden has been known to just start belly laughing for no apparent reason at all. They both thoroughly enjoy being tickled, either on their bellies or with my hair on their faces. I am all about getting the cheap laughs. Gavin and Aiden both sit and stand with some assistance. Gavin may be sitting independently sooner than Aiden (once again, larger base).

At their six month appointment on Friday, both boys were, of course, weighed and measured. Aiden weighed 14 lbs, 14 oz with a height of 23.25" and a head circumference of 44.3 cm (yes, he has a big head). His current weight puts him in the 10th percentile for full term 6 month olds. Way to go Aiden!

Gavin weighed in at a whopping 16 lbs, 15 oz (the 50th percentile for full term 6 month olds) with a height of 25.125" and a head circumference of 44.2 cm. Gavin is living up to his hospital nickname of "Porker."

Thursday, November 6, 2008


I know that Halloween was a week ago, but I figured that some photos late are better than no photos ever. Plus, I did post the cute Pooh and Tigger photo on the sidebar a few days ago as a teaser.

Gavin and Aiden were troopers about the whole costume thing...especially considering the fact that they were put in their costumes for a short period of time five days in a row. I was determined to get a picture of them both looking at least tolerant of their costumes. Aiden didn't seem to mind his Tigger costume from the beginning. Gavin was a different story. The photos from the first night of Gavin being Pooh are hilarious in the fact that he looks completely miserable. Thankfully, each time Gavin wore the costume he seemed to mind it less. In addition to their costumes, the boys also got some very cute matching "I want my mummy" sleepers from one of my co-workers.

Gavin looks adorable, but is not sold on being Pooh yet.

Aiden as a happy Tigger the very first night.

Aiden wonders why his head is feeling drafty while Gavin tries to hide the fact that he actually loves his Pooh costume now.

Aiden cracks himself up while posing with the pumpkin.

Gavin gives his new friend the pumpkin a hug.

Current Statistics:
Aiden - 13 lbs, 13.5 oz
Gavin - 15 lbs, 2 oz

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Me too, me too!

After watching Gavin rolling around for a couple days, Aiden decided it was his turn. Aiden rolled for the first time last Monday and Tammera caught his second roll on video. Although Aiden's initial approach was a bit different from his brother's, he is just as fast now that he has had some practice.