Sunday, July 6, 2008

Watch out, I'm coming over!

Although both boys have been sleeping well since they came home, Aiden has the tendency to chirp and squawk a lot in his sleep. It made us a little concerned he was not getting a lot of quality rest. We talked to the visiting nurse about it when she was here yesterday. She mentioned that many twins like to sleep right next to each other in their crib, and that it might calm Aiden down. We had already noticed their ability to scoot closer to each other, sometimes covering 6 to 8" in the span of 3 hours. We tried positioning them closer together, Aiden got over to Gavin's shoulder all on his own, and they both slept a lot more soundly and quietly. Just when we thought the boys couldn't get any cuter they found a way. :-)

Aside from good sleeping ideas, the nurse also weighed each boy and we were delighted to see that they had both gained weight since coming home. Gavin is up to 5 lb, 8 oz and Aiden is up to 4 lb, 14 oz.

For those of you wondering about Steve, he seems to be doing fine since the boys' homecoming. As Ian pointed out today, we know he has been eating because his food bowl is constantly empty. I think Steve has been coping with the situation by doing a little stress eating. I tried to recommend exercise to him, because let's face it he is big enough, but he pretended not to hear me.


Chritre said...

Yay! Welcome home, boys! How totally adorable are the pics of Aiden on Gavin's shoulder! You'll have to sneak that into a senior year slide show in 18 years. ;)
Glad to hear Steve hasn't lost his appetite. Maybe you could get Oprah or Dr. Phil to talk to him about the benefits of exercise. Cats have an amazing ability to hear you only when it's beneficial to their immediate comfort.

Angie said...

That is ridiculously cute. I love it.

As for Steve...shall I send a picture of Burt over to remind him of the harms of comfort eating and not exercising?

Jenni said...

That's just about the cutest, sweetest picture I've ever seen.