This blog post has been in the works in my mind for months, but only recently have I had the visual evidence, photos, needed to illustrate my point.
From a very early age, one to two weeks old, we

noticed that Gavin would make a look very similar to the one made by Ben Stiller in the movie Zoolander. For those of you not familiar with the movie, Zoolander is a comedy from 2001 about Derek Zoolander (Stiller) a male model at the end of his career who gets brainwashed to become an assassin and looks to rival model Hansel (Owen Wilson) for help. From that description alone you are probably quite surprised that the movie was not nominated for any Oscars that year. I have always found the movie to be hilarious while Ian has never really cared for it (although I do believe he does now see its comedic value).
It was not long before both Gavin and Aiden started doing what we now call the "Zoolander,"

but like many elusive things (Loch Ness Monster, Big Foot) we could never get a photo of the boys doing "Zoolander." We would even try to bring on the look by encouraging the boys, "Do Zoolander. Come on, do Zoolander." I can already hear the boys telling us that they are not show ponies.
I finally caught Aiden doing "Zoolander" last week. Notice the puckered lips and inquisitive eyes that mark such looks as "Magnum" and "Blue Steel," both looks from the movie. As of yet, I still do not have any visual evidence of Gavin doing "Zoolander," but please believe me when I tell you that he can do it just as well as his little brother. Gavin would tell you himself that he taught Aiden everything he knows about making looks, but is too quick with his looks to be caught on camera. Aiden, on the other hand, seems thoroughly pleased to finally have a blog post almost solely devoted to him.
Current Statistics:
Gavin: 6 lbs, 13 oz
Aiden: 6 lbs, 2 oz
Both boys are now over 19" long.
I think it's Le Tigra. Hehehehe. Very cute.
Sara, I have LOVED reading your posts. Congratulations. Can't wait to see you back at work.
Hi Sara - I'm not Ian's secretary, but his office is right outside of my cubbie hole and I have to keep him in line now and then - j/k! He told me not to tell you (yeah, right), but I said you should really write a book - I love reading your blogs. They are so fun to read, not to mention seeing the boys' pictures! You are pretty talented and congratulations on the boys!
That is clearly Magnum, Sara. I can't even believe you would think it's Blue Steel.
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