Gavin and
Aiden have been quite busy since I last posted...six weeks ago...sorry. Their first new adventure was eating solids. They started with the ever popular, always disgusting rice cereal. They were troopers about the new experience, and
Aiden figured out the whole spoon thing the first night. Don't let his size fool you,
Aiden has always been the better eater. After exploring a number of vegetables: squash, carrots, peas (their least favorite so far), sweet potatoes, and green beans, we could put off fruits no longer. The boys started to eat peaches two nights ago, and Gavin literally started crying when they were all gone.

Aside from both being crazy rollers now, the boys are venturing into the land of sitting. Gavin

can now sit for many
minutes without any support (we credit his wide base). He will still tip over if he reaches for a toy too
vigorously, but for the most part he is a "sitter."
Aiden also enjoys sitting, but he is still very dependent on some type of support.
Not to be outdone by his brother's sitting ability,
Aiden decided that he would be the first to cut some teeth. Although they are barely visible, Aiden's two front bottom teeth have arrived. It really came as quite a surprise to us. I only discovered he had teeth when he decided to chew on my finger instead of teething ring. Had I not felt them myself I would have not believed it. Aiden has shown no sign of discomfort and has been his usual happy self. You cannot see the teeth in the photo, but they are there.

Gavin and Aiden thoroughly enjoyed their first Christmas. They got to see all of their grandparents as well as two aunts, two uncles, and three cousins - meeting some family members for the first time. It was a wonderful holiday season.
Current Statistics:
Aiden - 16 lbs, 13.5 oz
Gavin - 18 lbs, 15.5 oz
Look at those cute rosy cheeks!!
I can't believe how big they're getting. Hopefully we'll be able to see the four of you in March either in D-town or at our house!
We really need to meet these guys. Let's try to plan something!
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