Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Water Babies

While we were in Duluth for Spring Break a week ago, Gavin and Aiden got their first chance to go "swimming." Both boys have always enjoyed bath time so we thought they would enjoy a dip in the pool. There was a baby pool that was the perfect size. Gavin and Aiden could stand up, supported of course, and the water only came up to their chests. They also enjoyed going for rides around the pool on their backs and stomachs courtesy of Mommy and Daddy.

Just like big boys, Gavin and Aiden enjoyed hanging out on the side of the pool.

Aiden chilled on the step looking unusually robust.

Gavin loved splashing in the pool and didn't even care when he splashed himself in the face. Aiden, on the other hand, did mind when Gavin splashed him in the face.


Chritre said...

Hehe, cute! Gavin looks like he's having the time of his life!

J Da said...

Splish splash!