Thursday, July 1, 2010

No, Cheese, and Bob

Gavin and Aiden have turned into quite the little talkers lately. They seem to learn a couple new words a day and can even string two or three words together...when they feel like it.

Aiden's favorite words are "no" and "cheese." For example, when Aiden does something he knows he shouldn't, like touching the TV, he likes to say "No, no, no" in a mocking, sassy way while looking directly at Ian or I. He is so cute, but such a little stinker sometimes. "Cheese" is used at every meal as either a chant, question, or statement. When a meal does not include a cheese course, he looks at me with big puppy dog eyes and meekly asks, "Cheese?"

Both boys now greet Steve with a "hi," which is often followed with "Eeeeeve," their pronunciation of his name. I asked Gavin yesterday what his cat's name was and he nonchalantly responded, "Bob." We have been reading Sandra Boynton's book 15 Animals a lot lately and in the book 14 out of 15 animals are named Bob..."I have a cat named Bob and a dog named Bob..." Gavin really gets into the book and likes to say all the "Bobs." Poor Steve, the disrespect only continues.

You can ask the boys what color something is as long as the item is blue. Our act would never survive on the road.

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