Saturday, June 14, 2008

We Used to Have Stinky Babies

This week Gavin and Aiden have been lean, mean, pooping machines. They have pooped in the following places: their diapers (which we encourage), the legs of their sleepers (not encourged), on the nurses (not encouraged, but entertaining because Dee gets so upset with herself for not changing them quick enough), and on their bedding and/or isolette (these are some very talented boys). As of yet they have not pooped on either of their parents, but I know it will happen the next time I change one of them because I dared to write it in this blog.

As you can imagine, both boys were getting quite stinky from all their hard work so it was determined that they would get their first tub baths. Since both Gavin and Aiden have extremely busy schedules, we sat down with the boys and their palm pilots and scheduled their first bath for yesterday, Friday, at 12:30 pm. It fit perfectly between sleeping and eating.

The boys were bathed separately with Gavin taking the lead. Ian got the honors of washing Gavin while I took a couple pictures (okay, more like 20). At first Gavin was skeptical of the whole bath thing, but did relax and seem to enjoy the experience. In fact, he was so relaxed that he, yep you guessed it, pooped in his bath. After his bath was finished, Gavin seemed to especially like being dried off in warm towels.

Aiden was more on board with getting a bath from the beginning than his brother. In his usual curious nature, Aiden was wide eyed during the whole event trying to figure out what we were going to do next. I bathed Aiden while Ian was on camera duty. Aiden was in no rush to finish his bath and thus, did not feel the need to relieve himself in the tub. He also thoroughly enjoyed being placed in the warm towels.

Statistics update:

Gavin is up to 4 lbs, 4 oz

Aiden is up to 3 lbs, 8 oz


Ann said...

I want more, more, more!! Seriously Sara... :)

Jeanne said...

Sooooo cute! They are rocking the weight gain too! Um, is this the time to tell you my 3.5 yr old pooped in the tub today? Get used to tub poop. You have many years of it ahead of you!

Angie said...

Ask Will what Dave did when he (Will, not Dave) pooped in tub in Chicago. He loves to talk about it.