Tuesday, June 3, 2008

A Week in Blur...

The first week plus of the boys' lives has been a bit of a blur. Ian and I have been doing our best to absorb all the information being told to us so we can pass it on to all of our family and friends (Thanks for all the phone calls, emails, cards, flowers, and presents!) while at the same time the information was constantly changing. Thankfully the information was changing for the better each time.

Here is a brief synopsis of what the boys went through their first week:
*On the ventilator, off the ventilator (repeat for Aiden)
*Under the bilirubin lights for jaundice, off the bilirubin lights (repeat for Gavin)
*Caffeine for both boys. (Yes they got caffeine while their mom was still being good and abstaining.) Although they are both off caffeine now.
*Nasal cannulas for oxygen (Gavin came off his today, Aiden is still on his)
*Losing weight, gaining weight (see bottom for current stats)
*IVs in, out, in, out (for Gavin, Aiden still has his for a few more days)
*Getting fed breast milk through their feeding tubes, increases in feedings
*Moves - first from a table to an isolette (incubator), then the big move when Aiden got to join Gavin in his room. Room 3310 - Comfort Court (Each room in the NICU has a cute baby related street name.)
*Peeing on the nurses, on their bedding, on the scale (Gavin)
*Trying and successfully pulling out a number of different tubes and wires
*Being held by both mom and dad (the best part of the whole week!)
*Acquiring very appropriate nicknames from the nurses:
Aiden - "Peanut" by Nurse Dee (for being as small as a peanut)
Gavin - "Porker" by Nurse Hillary (while he was on the scale having his weight checked, Hillary discovered that he had gained even more weight since the previous night)

As of today, here the new statistics for the boys:
Gavin: 3 lbs, 12 oz, 16 1/4 inches long
Aiden: 3 lbs, 2 oz, 16 inches long

Photos: Top - Aiden under the bilirubin lights, Second - Gavin on the bilirubin blanket (he was under the lights the first time), Third - "Porker" on the scale, Last - The little "Peanut"

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