Thursday, July 3, 2008

Hey Aiden, Let's blow this popsicle stand!

Today around 4 pm Gavin and Aiden were discharged from the hospital. We had known for a couple days that today was probably going to be "the day," but I didn't want to jinx it by writing about it. As you can imagine, we are absolutely thrilled to have them home! Don't they look just precious in their crib together?

In the first two hours home, both boys got changed into new outfits and their crib got a new crib sheet due to their amazing and unparalleled ability to overfill their diapers. We are so proud!

There are many funny stories from their last couple days in the hospital, but those will have to wait until another post...because I will have so much more time to blog now (ha ha). I do have to give a shout out to all the nurses, doctors, and staff of the Genesis NICU. They are incredibly caring, compassionate, and just damn good at what they do. Thanks for taking such good care of the boys (and Ian and I) the past 5+ weeks.

Current Statistics:
Gavin: 5 lbs, 3 oz
Aiden: 4 lbs, 12 0z


Ann said...

How awesome that they got their independence together! At least if you can't enjoy the explosive blasts of fireworks- they'll keep you busy with all kinds of great explosive substances. Happy 4th of July!!!

Pete said...

Congratulations boys and happy 4th! What a way to celebrate independence day. Love to you all, from Goa, India.

Jenni said...

Congratulations on your homecoming, Gavin and Aidan!! Does Steve even know what to think of these new creatures?

Angie said...

Congratulations to the whole clan! Can't wait to hear about the boys' adventures at home. Watch out, Steve!