Wednesday, July 23, 2008

So this is outside...

Since the moment the boys have been home I have been very excited about taking them for a walk. One would think this would be an easy task to accomplish. One would be wrong.

There have been many reasons why a walk has not happened. The main reason being that I just haven't had a lot of downtime (also why I have been such a slacker with this blog lately). Taking care of twins is a lot of work! When I have had time, then the weather has been awful. Either it has rained or the temps have been in the 90s with terrible humidity. After weeks of waiting, today was finally the day the boys would have their first walk (ride) outside.

I got them situated in the pram (call me Mary Poppins) and it wasn't 2 minutes before Gavin decided he wanted nothing to do with this "walk." Aiden, on the other hand, fell asleep instantly. Gavin proceeded to cry loudly for at least half of the walk. Just a note, a crying baby does not sound nearly as loud when he is outside. Gavin would cry for about 7 minutes straight, stop for 7 minutes, cry again for 7 minutes, and then stopped for the last 7 minutes. Aiden slept the entire ride. I think I may have caught him shooting dirty looks to "that other baby" in the pram who was disturbing the tranquility of nature that he was enjoying.

Thankfully we did not come across any other walkers, aside from Grandpa Paul and Grandma Judy who were with us, because I would have been a bit embarrassed. I always pictured taking the boys on walks and other walkers stopping to admire my beautiful, not crying, babies. You know, having to fight off all the adoring fans with sticks, "No, I'm sorry but you cannot kiss my babies. I know they are hard to resist, but try to contain yourself." Brad and Angelina: Eat your hearts out.

Current Statistics:
Gavin: 6 lbs, 3 oz
Aiden: 5 lbs, 10 oz


Angie said...

It's about time! Surely two infants can't be all that time-consuming? ;) Anyway, thanks for getting me my twin fix. I check for it daily!

Jeanne said...

I've been waiting for a post too and, yes, laughing because I can only IMAGINE how busy you've been. Isn't it amazing how well you can function on so little sleep? Well...sort of. :)