Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Gavin and Aiden have made quite a discovery this past week...their hands! And judging from the frequency that their hands are in the mouths, they must taste absoultely delicious.

Aiden is partial to his left thumb, while Gavin enjoys his entire left hand. Do we have two future lefties on our hands? (no pun intended) If so, I am sure that baseballs will magically appear in their left hands courtesy of their daddy...only joking of course...I think. I was reading in a baby book that many babies take to their thumbs when they are weaning from nursing. So it looks like little Aiden is exhibiting some excellent coping skills. What a well adjusted little baby!

Not that Gavin is not well adjusted, but he was the one who pushed the fast forward button on the whole weaning process. About a week ago Gavin decided he was "so over" nursing and took to just lying there and smiling at me instead of eating. Silly little guy! Sometimes Gavin sucks on his left hand while twirling his barely existent hair with his right hand, a skill I have seen in action many times by my nephew Jack, except that he actually has hair.

Current Statistics:
Gavin: 12 lbs, 14 oz
Aiden: 12 lbs, 5.5 oz


Unknown said...

Wouldn't it be great if they are both left-handed?
Yippee! I win!
Grandpa Neil

Chritre said...

Hehehe... I think mom has a picture of little Colin in the exact same pose as Gavin - one hand in the mouth, one in the "hair." Can't remember whether he sucked his right or left thumb though. I didn't suck my thumb at all and I ended up with an underbite, so more power to the thumb-suckers! :)