Aiden is partial to his left thumb, while Gavin enjoys his entire left hand. Do we have two future lefties on our hands? (no pun intended) If so, I am sure that baseballs will magically appear in their left hands courtesy of their daddy...only joking of course...I think. I was reading in a baby book that many babies take to their thumbs when they are weaning from nursing. So it looks like little Aiden is exhibiting some excellent coping skills. What a well adjusted little baby!
Not that Gavin is not well adjusted, but he was the
Current Statistics:
Gavin: 12 lbs, 14 oz
Aiden: 12 lbs, 5.5 oz
Wouldn't it be great if they are both left-handed?
Yippee! I win!
Grandpa Neil
Hehehe... I think mom has a picture of little Colin in the exact same pose as Gavin - one hand in the mouth, one in the "hair." Can't remember whether he sucked his right or left thumb though. I didn't suck my thumb at all and I ended up with an underbite, so more power to the thumb-suckers! :)
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