Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Daddy Rocks!

Preemies are at a higher risk of developing problems with their retinas so yesterday evening Gavin and Aiden had their eyes examined. Although necessary and important, the exam is not a very pleasant experience. Their eyes are dilated and numbed with drops prior to the exam so they are not in pain, but their eyes are held open with a tool and a bright light is used. Both boys were troopers throughout the exam. Gavin went first and although he was upset during the exam, and who wouldn't be, he calmed down quickly when he was placed in Ian's arms. Then it was Aiden's turn and he responded the same way. When Aiden was finished, he got to go see Daddy too. Ian got his first experience of holding both boys at the same time. Notice I have not mentioned where I was during this whole ordeal. I opted not to watch and instead used the convenient and true excuse that I needed to go pump. When I returned to their room I got to see the sweet sight of Ian holding both boys who were contently sleeping in his arms.

Both boys passed their exams and have normal retinas. They do not need to see the eye doctor again for another year.

Ian relayed to me that their "twin sense" did not suddenly appear during their eye exams. Both boys slept while the other was crying 2 feet away. Incidentally, the doctor has twins of his own at home. Ian inquired about their "twin sense" and the doctor said he first noticed it with his twins around the age of 4. (You hear that Steve, you still have a few years before the mind tricks start. I would still recommend that you take Christa's advice and learn to tuck your tail now because both boys have one heck of a grasp.) If the boys do happen to have their "twin sense" now and are communicating through ESP, I can imagine a conversation from last night like this:
Gavin: Boy, this is awesome hanging out with Daddy together.
Aiden: He sure is comfy to sleep on.
Gavin: I really like that he has a bald head. I feel like he really understands us.
Aiden: I think Mommy would look funny with a bald head, but Daddy makes it look good!


Ann said...

And when they get older, they can communicate with daddy through ESPN.

Chritre said...

Hehe... good point Ann!
What a sweet picture of Ian with the boys. I hear Molly got to visit this week! Yay! I'm still hoping to come out later this summer or early fall. I'll have to limit my showering of gifts though since airlines are charging for checked baggage... ;p